Funds and Funders
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When you add a new fund, you are asked to either choose an already existing Funder or create a new one. ASES, 21CCLC and ASSETs and a few other Private Funders are already available for you to select If you do need add a new Funder, Click on Create New Grant Funder. ( If the Funder you need already exists go ahead and skip to Continue Creating a Fund section below )
Funder Name and Nickname: Give your new Funder a Name and a Nick Name
Funder Type:
Restricted: A Restricted Funder is a type of funder like ASES and 21CCLC where the Funder only pays for BTB attendances within either CORE or Supplemental days depending on the Award type created
Non-Restricted: A Non-restricted Funder is a type of funder like ASSETs where the Funder does not pay for Supplemental separately and is attendance could be take on any day of the week regardless if it’s a school day or no.
Tracked by COHORT:
Will your new Funder group its’ Funds based on COHORT Identifiers?
e.g., ASES does NOT track different funds and COHORT is always set to “EZ”
e.g., ASSETs and 21CCLC do track different funds with different COHORT Numbers like 19A
Grade Rules:
What grades does the Funder pays for?
e.g.: ASES is K-8 and ASSETS is 9-12
Note: You can’t have any gaps between the selected grades
Click on Add Funder.
If you click on this button and if the new Funder is now successfully created, it should automatically be selected under the New Funding window you were working on before. If not, go ahead and choose it.
Grant ID:
Enter a proper Grant ID for the new Funding you’re about to create
Grant Amount:
This number is a total for the whole Funding and it does not play a role in any of the calculations.
Add Funding:
Click on Add Funding to finish creating your new Funding.
If your Funding is created successfully, you should see a success message in green and the name of the new Funding available in the list of Fundings. You can search for it by entering the name in the table.
Now that you have created a new funding you need to create an Award which is a part of that Grant given to a School. We do that next